- Mentoring Program Evaluation
- Mentoring Program Evaluation Survey
- Mentoring Program Evaluation Questions
Program Evaluation Survey for Mentors If you registered with the Law Society of Upper Canada Equity & Diversity Mentoring Program as a MENTOR, please complete this evaluation form. Your confidential and anonymous responses will be used to determine the effectiveness of our program and make improvements or changes where appropriate. Create a mentoring survey to make your mentoring program successful. Use our mentoring program evaluation survey to get started. Mentoring Best Practices: Survey for Future Needs. By Kira Fickenscher May 4th, 2016. So you’re considering starting a new mentoring program. That’s fantastic! Mentoring Program Evaluation Survey. 2016 National Mentoring Program Survey. The 2016 National Mentoring Program Survey explored trends in programming, gaps in services, and the challenges youth mentoring programs face, as well as identified opportunities for MENTOR and its affiliates to provide targeted support and growth for the mentoring field into the future. School Counseling Program Implementation Survey & American School Counselor Association Readiness Survey State School Counselor Associations Surveys for Program Evaluation and Review. Mentorship Program Evaluation Form This questionnaire is designed to collect feedback from mentees who have participated in the mentorship program organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics.
When designing a mentoring program, first determine your program goals. These will form the basis for evaluating whether the program has met its expected objectives. Many organizational mentoring programs rely solely on a final evaluation survey, but this may not fully measure the dynamics of mentoring relationships, according to “Evaluating a Mentoring Program,” by Julie Fortin and Christine Cuerrier.
The Program
Prepare a survey to be filled out by mentees and mentors at the end the program. Create identical pre- and post-program self-assessments exclusively for mentees. For confidentiality, individuals will be assigned a unique numerical identifier.
Administer mentee pre-program self-assessment before participation in the program, requesting mentees to rate themselves on attributes such as self-confidence, assertiveness in the workplace and other qualities.
Ask mentees to fill out an identical self-assessment at the end of program participation, Fortin and Cuerrier advise in “Evaluating a Mentoring Program.” Identify any higher ratings from post-program assessment responses on self-confidence, assertiveness in the workplace and any other attributes posed in the initial mentee self-assessment that may be associated with enhanced competency fostered through the mentoring relationship.
Mentoring Program Evaluation
Review post-program surveys filled out by both mentors and mentees, focusing on areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction expressed through open-ended questions. Mentors often find unexpected benefits from mentoring relationships.
Gather a representative sample of mentees and mentors to participate in focus groups about their mentoring experiences. (This is optional, depending on company time and resources.)
Retain objective third-party facilitator to elicit candid, honest dialogue, steer discussion to issues that repeatedly arise in participant surveys, and explore potential solutions, Fortin and Cuerrier advise.
Review past evaluation data against current overall survey feedback for areas that received low evaluation scores to analyze issues most in need of improvement.
Mentoring Program Evaluation Survey
Mentoring pairs may experience unresolvable conflicts in their relationships, resulting in premature termination of the relationship.
Mentees that complete the pre-program self-assessment may fail to fill out the post-program self-assessment, invalidating that mentee’s survey data.
- “Evaluating a Mentoring Program;” Julie Fortin and Christine Cuerrier; 2003
Mentoring Program Evaluation Questions
- handshake image by Anatoly Tiplyashin from Fotolia.com