Categories: Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word Horizontal Page
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How do you make a document on Microsoft Word Horizontal? 11 answers 11. Report Abuse. Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Apr 17, 2007 On the File menu, click Page Setup, and then click the Margins tab. Under Orientation, click Landscape. It is easiest to double click on the gray area around your word document. This provides a shortcut to your page layout. Around the middle of the page layout window you'll find an option to set the page as a landscape.
How To Make A Word Document Horizontal
Español: cambiar la orientación del texto en Microsoft Word, Italiano: Cambiare l'Orientamento del Testo in Microsoft Word, Português: Mudar a Orientação do Texto no Microsoft Word, Русский: изменить направление текста в Microsoft Word, Deutsch: Die Ausrichtung von Text in Microsoft Word ändern, Bahasa Indonesia: Mengubah Orientasi Teks di Word, Nederlands: Tekstrichting in Word wijzigen, ไทย: เปลี่ยนการวางแนว (Orientation) ของข้อความใน Microsoft Word, 中文: 在微软Word程序中改变文本的方向, العربية: تغيير اتجاه النص في برنامج مايكروسوفت وورد, Français: changer l'orientation du texte dans Microsoft Word, Tiếng Việt: Thay đổi hướng của văn bản trong Microsoft Word, 한국어: 워드에서 텍스트 방향 바꾸는 법, 日本語: Microsoft Wordで文字列の方向を変更する, Türkçe: Microsoft Word'de Metin Yönü Nasıl Değiştirilir
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