- How To Install Navigraph Navigator
- How To Install Navigraph Navigation
- How To Install Navigraph Navy
- How To Install Navigraph In Plane 10
- How To Install Navigraph Airac And And Charts
How To Install Navigraph Navigator
When you have to configure your navigation data management program like 'NavDataPro' from Aerosoft, or Navigraph's 'FMS Data Manager', it's important to select the proper folder where the navdata shall be placed into. I performed several NAVIGRAPH nav database updates but i've got still the active nav data from -02mar-29 mar (NAV 1703001) Who knows the correct location to install. Launch Navigraph and direct the update to this folder and let it update. Go to Xplane folder and look in Custom Data then CIFP and the nav data info should be listed. Launch Xplane and varify the Airac Data was updated. Follow the next steps to install and configure your flight simulator with an updated navigation database: 1. Open fsAerodata Configuration tool 2. Activate and download the latest AIRAC cycle (button 1) 3. Press INSTALL button to Install database in flight simulator (button 3) 4. Select flight simulator (box 2) 5. When you buy a subscription to Navigraph data, you get updated data for the FMS for each new AIRAC cycle. Commented Dec 17, 2016 by robertsd ( 14 points) I have a navagraph subscription and have downloaded and applied files to the /Custom Data directory in windows. How to get the latest nav data / Airac data from Navigraph to X-Plane 11. Remember to press that arrow button after downloading the data! NOTE: If you have custom aircraft/payware/freeware, you will also need to check the “X-Plane GNS430, 777 Worldliner (Ext/Prof), Flightfactor B757 Professional, VMAX B767-300ER Professional, X-Crafts Embraer E-175, Aerobask Aircrafts” addon within the.
Added: Wow. 60% downvoted for asking a question. How toxic can you get? I'm glad the mods took steps to remove the down vote button.
How To Install Navigraph Navigation
I purchased the latest FMS data from Navigraph. I finally figured out how to point the Navigraph FMS data manager program to the X-plane 11 folder and perform the update. Looking at the folder some data is written to the X-Plane 11Custom Data folder (e.g. I see the CIFP folder and DAT files like Earth_awy.dat). No GNS430 data seems to be written by the Navigraph application at all. The trouble is that when I load up my Eclipse 550 ng and attempt to enter a flight plan there appears to be no data available at all. It can't find any of the waypoints that I enter.
How To Install Navigraph Navy
The only way I am able to see any waypoints at all is to copy the old GNS430 folder from Xplane 10 but then X-plane 11 seems to use only the outdated data. Also, what's the point of having the new data from Navigraph it X-Plane 11 uses the outdated data from X-Plane 10?
How To Install Navigraph In Plane 10
Did I just waste my money on the Navigraph data?