California Disabled Accessibility Guidebook Pdf Merge

Department of transportation. 1200 new jersey avenue, se. Washington, dc 20590. NOTE: ACCESS AISLE AT 'VAN ACCESSIBLE' DOUBLE PARKING STALLS MUST BE 8' WIDE MINIMUM Fig.24-A PARKING SPACE - DOUBLE HANDICAP PARKING SIGN (TYP) = 30 TO 90 DEGREES TYPICAL SYMBOL Fig.24-B WALKWAY 18' MIN. 162 PARKING SPACE DOUBLE DIAGONAL The CalDAG - California Disabled Accessibility Guidebook 02002 MPG Publishing co.

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PDF Version of the California Driver Handbook


New 2019 Laws

DMV Information

Where to Write

General Information

California disabled accessibility guidebook pdf merge

The California Driver License

Obtaining a Driver License

Driver License Classes

The Examination Process

Special Section - Minors

Miscellaneous Licensing Information

Occupant Protection

Traffic Controls


Laws and Rules of the Road

Visual Search

Lane Control



Safe Driving Practices

Vehicle Positioning

Sharing the Road

Special Driving Situations

– Driving in Fog or Heavy Smoke

Handling Emergencies

Driver Readiness

Alcohol and Drugs

Additional Driving Laws/Rules


Online Driver License Fast Facts and Other Publications

There are several alternatives for DMV services. You might not even need to go to a DMV Office. In addition to this website, you can obtain information from the Telephone Service Center at 800-777-0133.

If you do need to visit a DMV office, you can make an appointment by calling the Telephone Service Center at 800-777-0133 or by using our online Appointment(s) service. When you arrive at the field office, proceed to check-in at the 'Start Here' Appointment/Persons with Disabilities Only window in the field office to receive a Queue ticket for DMV services.

The TTY for Speech and Hearing Impaired Only - Toll free: 800-368-4327

Persons with speech or hearing impairments can call, toll free: 800-368-4327 for assistance on DMV services. Only typed messages from another TTY are received and responded to at this number.

Interpreter Services

The Department of Motor Vehicles provides interpreters, including American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, at no cost to the customer.

If you need an interpreter, please let one of our staff know and an appointment will be scheduled for when a foreign language or an ASL interpreter is available. Appointments may also be scheduled during regular business hours by calling 1-800-777-0133 and indicating foreign language assistance is needed. For the California Relay Telephone Service from TDD phones, call 1-800-735-2929 or, from voice phones, call 1-800-735-2922 for assistance in contacting DMV and making arrangements for an ASL interpreter.

Conducting Business with Your Service Animal

Your service animal may accompany you into the DMV Office. You are required to comply with county or city ordinances regarding leash laws, so your service animal must be leashed when inside the DMV office, if the local ordinances require it. If your animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of other people, you will be asked to remove your animal from the office.

Although the service animal is not required to wear an identifying harness or special collar, you may be asked if the animal is a service animal or what tasks the animal has been trained to perform. You may not be refused service because you are accompanied by your service animal.

California Disabled Accessibility Guidebook Pdf Merger

Taking your Knowledge Test

Check out DMV's alternative methods for completing the driver license knowledge test.

Telephone Service Centers-Call Toll Free: 800-777-0133.


At this number you may speak to a DMV specialist to either address your concern by phone, or help make the specific arrangements to obtain DMV services at one of the offices. You can get information on nearly all services available at DMV, such as:

  • Vehicle Registration
  • How to obtain a license
  • Where to take a driver license test
  • What to expect at that test
  • DUI restrictions and much more

DMV Public Offices - The 'Start Here' Sign

All DMV Offices have a 'Start Here' Appointment/Persons with Disabilities Only sign. When visiting a DMV office you may go to the “Start Here” Appointment/Persons with Disabilities Only sign to request any special assistance you may need because of your disability.

Specifically Designated Counter for Disabled Persons.

Disabled persons may check-in at the 'Start Here' window or at the designated disabled counter in the field office and receive a Queue ticket for DMV services.

The Office Manager at any DMV Office

You may ask to speak to the Office Manager at any DMV Office that you call or visit. DMV Office Managers are trained to assist disabled customers that may require special arrangements.

DMV Driver Safety Offices - Disabled Parking and Building Access Maps.

All DMV Driver Safety Office listings now include a map showing where the disabled parking and building access is for that specific office.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Additional Information

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